One of the important parts of fashion is shoes. Although used on the feet, shoes have a big role in supporting the appearance. There is a saying that good shoes will take you to good places. Good in the sense that it’s not just a model, but you also have to pay attention to comfort.

Knowing Your Foot Size
Knowing your own foot size when buying shoes is the main and first requirement that you must do. You should also regularly pay attention to the size of your feet, because over time there can also be changes in the size of your feet.
Knowing the Shape of the Feet
Knowing the shape of the foot is also very important. This will later relate to the shoe model that you will choose. For those of you who have large calves, of course, it is not recommended to wear boots that are suitable for those who have small calves.
Pay attention to the model / shape of the shoe
If you decide to use or buy high heels, you should also choose comfortable ones. It’s a good idea not to wear something that is too high or pointy. This is so that you are comfortable walking and do not happen unwanted things such as sprains or falls. Wearing high heels should also not be too often and for a long time. Also pay attention to the shoe pattern, does it match the shape of your feet and can support your weight? If you pay attention to this, it will reduce the possibility of injury to the foot.
Choose Shoes According to Body Shape
In addition to the shape of your feet, you also have to know your body shape first. If you have a small body, it is certainly not recommended to choose shoes with pointed ends because it makes your body shape even more not ideal. For the Little Body, you can wear shoes with rounded ends, wedges, platforms or strapless heels. Heels with straps will cut your height so that it gives the impression of your body getting shorter.
Don’t Just Stick/Believe in the Shoe Sizes Listed
Different shoe manufacturers usually have different size standards. Sometimes when you buy brand A shoes your size is 38, but when buying brand B shoes the size that fits your feet is 39. Therefore, don’t get hung up on the size listed on the shoe. It would be better if you come directly and try it.
Buying Afternoon Shoes
A simple but must-try tip is to buy shoes in the afternoon. Why is that? Because in the afternoon after doing various activities, your feet will reach the largest size.
Pay Attention to Shoe Materials
We recommend choosing shoes made of leather or suede. If you have to choose an alternative or synthetic material, choose one with the best quality and flexibility. This is so that your feet are comfortable and can breathe and are not easily scratched.
Choosing the Right Color
Choosing shoes must also be adjusted to the color of the skin. If you have a dark skin tone, you can choose neutral colors such as brown or black. Sometimes buying shoes is also adjusted to the color of the clothes, but it will be more economical if you choose neutral colors so that they can fit into all clothes colors.
Must Try
The thing that should not be forgotten is to try on the shoes. Wear them both and use them to walk. Try wearing them and walking on hard floors instead of rugs or other soft mats. This is to prove the comfort of the shoes when you wear them.
Don’t be tempted by the shoe trend
Don’t be tempted by trending shoe models. First, because if a particular shoe model or brand is trending, the price will be much more expensive. Second, it could be that this trend will soon be crushed by the development of new or more up-to-date shoe models. Chances are you want to be said to be fashionable or stylish by following the existing trends.